自從買了潛水裝備以後, 我跟小胖盡量能去潛就去,
但是有去過墾丁浮潛或是潛水的人應該都知道, 我們的海域珊瑚白化真的很嚴重,
除了海水暖化會造成這樣的影響外, 其中人為的原因也佔了不少,

- 不要購買珊瑚紀念品  

- 支持海洋保育地區,如海洋公園、國家公園  

- 捐出時間或一些金錢幫助珊瑚礁的保育工作  

- 告訴飯店、船舶與旅行團經營者妥善處理所有廢棄物  

- 不要訂購濱臨絕種的野生動物,如海龜、魚翅及其他魚類  

- 避免到強調「活魚」的餐廳用餐,因為他們可能使用毒魚的方式捕捉魚類 


- 不要觸摸、踩踏或收集珊瑚  

- 控制蛙鞋、氧氣筒以及其他裝備,避免撞擊到珊瑚礁  

- 遵守當地各種對海洋生物捕捉、餵食及觸碰的相關規定  

- 在靠近珊瑚礁區前,先在淺水處或泳池中做好充分練習  

- 跟隨專業潛水員的帶領指示  

- 發現珊瑚礁受到破壞,立刻向保育及科學團體報告 


- 事先調查珊瑚礁的位置,避免觸碰到礁石及其它脆弱生態系  

- 不要在珊瑚礁附近下錨  

- 經常維修零件,避免油污外洩  

- 不要將廢水排入海中  

- 不要扔擲垃圾﹙特別是塑膠製品﹚到水中 


- 不要購買用毒魚方式捕捉的魚類  

- 不要為水族箱購買珊瑚碎片或活生生的珊瑚礁岩,除非你能證明這些珊瑚礁是人工養殖供飼養,而非由野生取得  

- 告訴附近的水族館或寵物店,只進口不會對珊瑚礁造成破壞的商品。 


- 拒絕購買用珊瑚或其他保育類海洋生物做成的產品  

- 盡量了解所選購海產的來源  

- 不要選擇熱帶木材製造的傢俱,它們可能是由濫伐熱帶雨林而取得的

以下是 Project aware 建議:

  1. Avoid purchasing souvenirs made from coral or any threatened or endangered marine species.
  2. Support the establishment of coral reef protected areas and encourage better protection and management for those that exist. 
  3. While traveling, choose resorts and tour operators that properly treat all sewage and wastewater. 
  4. While operating a boat, navigate carefully to avoid contact with coral reefs and other vulnerable ecosystems such as seagrass beds and maintain engine equipment to prevent oil and gas spills. 
  5. As a diver or snorkeler, choose tour operators that use mooring buoys or drift diving techniques whenever possible rather than anchors that can cause reef damage. 
  6. Make wise choices in selecting seafood by avoiding menu items that are caught or farmed using destructive or unsustainable practices including reef-killing poisons, explosives, and illegal equipment. 
  7. Avoid purchasing tropical wood furniture or products obtained from clear-cut tropical forests causing siltation damage to coral reefs. 
  8. As a diver, practice buoyancy control skills in a pool or sandy area before diving near a coral reef. Make sure your gauges and equipment are secured to avoid accidental contact with the reef, and never touch, stand on, or collect coral. Be an A.W.A.R.E. diver. 
  9. Report all damage of coral reefs to dive operators and scientific or conservation groups that monitor coral reef health. 
  10. Enroll in an AWARE-specialty course with a PADI professional to increase your knowledge about coral reefs and other aquatic environments. (Project AWARE Specialty, Underwater Naturalist, AWARE-Fish Identification, Peak Performance Buoyancy, and AWARE-Coral Reef Conservation.)



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